
This webpage outlines the binding legal terms and conditions (the “Agreement”) governing your use of our video chat application, ChitCam (the “Application”). You must provide all necessary information and documents to verify your age if requested. Failure to do so may result in immediate termination of your Agreement and account (“permanent ban”) without prior notice. We reserve the right to revoke your access and use of the Application upon termination.


While using ChitCam, we expect everyone to follow these essential rules to ensure a positive and secure experience for all users:

  • No Inappropriate Content: Sharing any photo or video content deemed offensive or inappropriate is strictly prohibited.
  • Respectful Communication: Abusing your chat partner with obscene or offensive language will not be tolerated.
  • Show Your Face: Keep your webcam on and focused on your face during video chats. Your face and a clothed body should be visible.
  • No Screenshots or Sharing: Sharing screenshots or using your camera to capture and share photo/video content within the chat is strictly restricted, even if you are included in that content.

What if you break the Rules?

Violating these rules will result in a ban from ChitCam. Our administrators will determine the duration of the ban based on the severity of the violation.

Friend List Exception: These restrictions do not apply to free chats with users who have accepted your friend requests and are included in your friend list.

Following to these Community Guidelines, you’re helping us create a safe and enjoyable environment for everyone on Emerlad chat. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact our support team.